Push back tranny cock. Check out the package on Karla! Damn that is a massive push back tranny cock shot. And Karla’s cock is not even hard. And let me tell you the thoughts that round ass gives me. If you could walk up to this bed right now with Karla in this position what would you do? Imagine reaching down. Caressing her balls and the also the head of her cock. Starting to gently pull on it. The feel of it getting hard in your hands. Pushing back even further because of the erection and length! Lean down now and suck that cock into your mouth. Make it nice and wet with spit.
Wow I got hot writing that. Now I need someone to help me release that built up pressure. So if your willing just come and join my by clicking on that image below.
Can you imagine the feeling. Further more does it make you want to fuck that round ass?
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